Saturday, March 5, 2011

Long overdue update #2

Hey again everyone,

So now we enter into part two of the update!! Fair warning, this one is full of some roller coasters and emotions.

Ok... so it's the beginning of January and I'm back in Waterloo. I've called my nutritionists at UWeightLoss and my personal trainer at Goodlife Fitness and have already set up dates and times to go see them! Well, I get to the nutritionists first and weigh in... which is where I find out that I'm 219lbs... It's pretty bad, since I hadn't weighed myself since mid december, and I wasn't expecting that kind of a jump, even though I knew I was very off track. Tears and feelings of guilt and anger at myself ensue and it's not much of a pretty picture haha... (don't say I didn't warn you this post was full of emotions :P)

Anyways, the gals at UWL are amazing. They really really are. They just sat me down and were like this: "look... what happened, happened. Let's start with this and what we have and see where we can go from here. We know you can do this since you lost 40lbs this summer... this is something you've already accomplished. Just set your mind like you did this summer, and you can do it!!" :) All with encouraging smiles on their faces haha. They have been a great support, that's for sure!

So January was a great month! By the end of it, between my meals plans with UWL and Kim, my awesome personal trainer, I was down all the way back down to 208!! That's 11lbs in a month! Whoohoo! I was feeling good again, the 200 mark was in my sights again and things were looking up!!

Then I went to Edmonton for the concrete toboggan competition that I'd been working towards for the last 2 years. It was fun, but there was a lot of drinking and eating going on. I tried to choose better food and I didn't drink all that much, but I also wasn't really following my program at all. To be honest with you all, I don't think that weekend really would have done much to me if I had come back on a plane with the rest of the team at the end of the weekend.

Unfortunately, I decided to drive my car from Edmonton where it was to Waterloo. And I had a deadline: IRC/IRS weekend was in 4 days. Ring fitting was in 2 days and that was my goal... Well let's just say that there's a post on here already about the Big Bad Chicago Storm that threw a major kink into my plans and almost made me miss getting ringed! yikes!! More about that in the other post if you are interested....

Anyways, I got back late, missed all the classes that week and a few due dates to boot... and then it was IRC/IRS weekend!!! This included a breakfast kegger and drinking all day on Friday until early Saturday morning, ceremony at 10am on Saturday, then a big lunch at red lobster with close friends, and IRS that night which was a whole bunch of drinking there too... so I pretty much bungled all of my progress just from the drive and the IRC/IRS weekend I think...

Went to school on the Monday not feeling too hot (I wonder why... haha), but also stressed out of my mind about all of the class and submissions i had missed, plus worrying about the 4 assignments that were due that week alone that I hadn't finished or even started. Well, lets just say that I lived on campus and got everything done before their due dates (although I did get extensions for some)... however I again didn't work out and ate like crap. Apparently I'm a stress eater... go figure lol.

Finally made it into UWL on Friday and found out that I had yo-yo'd back up to 214... *sigh* there goes all my progress... I work really hard over the next two weeks and get back down to 208 before I leave for Florida and my half marathon for reading week. Yay! or is it?

I kinda cheated... I didn't really eat very much and totally neglected any water. All that weight was pretty much water weight that I lost and being dumb by not eating just to see a number go down... stupid thing to do hey? Is a number really worth me being dumb like that? No, I don't think so... but it's hard to explain that to a self-conscious young adult sometimes... especially when it's you talking to yourself haha... :P

Anyways, I went to Florida and tried to eat properly! I was training for a half marathon after all! I went out for an hour each day for a run and sweated so bad in the 25 degree C weather!!! It was great!! I drank lots of water, I was being relatively healthy for breakfast and lunch... But then I was also having pasta for dinners since I needed my "carbs" to be able to run for such a long time when Sunday and the Half came along... silly Leslie...

So I ran the half, and that's another story which I'll post later when I get the urge to write again (obviously it doesn't hit me too often... haha sorry...), and came back to Waterloo this week. Weighed in at UWL and found out I was 211. Ok, well it wasn't the 214, and really, from 208, those 3 pounds could easily be the water I stopped drinking and eating from the week before... so really I actually lost 3lbs in real weight over the week (214-211)... which is perfect since the average healthy weight loss per week is 2lbs... :D

So now we're pretty much caught up to where I am now. I weighed in on Wednesday and was at 210... So if I can be 209 by Monday, March 7, I'll be on track for my 2lbs/week! I hope to go a little lower than that though, in a healthy, eating and drinking water fashion that is... :) You all have permission to ask me how much water I've had on a certain day or to quiz me if I ate according to my meal plan whenever you see me over the term. :P haha

I have no more weeks of being away, so I hope to really tackle this lifestyle problem and reaffirm why I'm doing this and get back into the groove of things over the next 8 weeks of school and exams and packing up, before I get into the real world and start being a professional. I'll need a good base when I go back to YK (although I won't be living with my parents anymore... looking for my own place there!!)

Thanks for reading... and like I've previously stated... I don't do this to solicit encouragement or fake praise or to get compliments. I simply sometimes need to write out what's going on and know that it could possibly be read by anyone who knows me. This keeps me accountable to many people and what they might think of things. And that's a system that actually works for me, haha. And as to why I mention my exact weight numbers. It's me trying to shake loose the power they hold over me. A number is a number is a number. It varies over about 5lbs every single day depending on food and water and the more I say how much I weigh at any given point, the less bad it makes me feel when I think about it. :) It's just a number! :D

So thanks world for keeping me accountable!


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