Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Not quite halfway, but soooo close!

Originally written on July 8th, 2010, this is another update and happy post :)

Well hello y'all!

I am proud to update everyone on my progress... well here goes... I have lost 35.5 pounds in 11 weeks! This means I've gone from 241lbs to 205.5!!!!

My nutrition program is a total of 26 weeks long. In the beginning we set a goal of losing 50lbs, which would have brought me to 190lbs in 6 months. That seemed like a pipe dream at first, but now it seems like it could come within a month!

With all that said, I have started to think about a new goal. It's hard though... mainly because they say never to make a goal where you can't imagine how you look. Well let me tell you, the lowest I ever remember being is 188... so pretty much any new goal is going to be unimaginable haha :P I know i must have been less, but it would have been before grade 9 that's for sure. I was a size 16 (so bigger than I am now) my entire high school life, so before grade 9 I would have weighed less than I do now, but I can't remember, plus it's not the same because I wasn't a developed adult then... oy!! All that to say that it's tough to make a new goal when I don't know what I will look like at a certain point.

So I've decided to make my goal 150lbs. It may be unattainable. I'm a big northern gal. Always have been, always will be haha (maybe... :P) So maybe I'll start to plateau in a big way at 170... that's ok too... but for right now, my new pipe dream is 150lbs. I don't expect it to come as quickly as 205 has or as 199 will (yay for being in the 100s soon!!!!!), but it's a good goal that's far enough away to make it be a real goal.

So, my halfway point if I were to go to 150 is happening at 195. It will have been 46lbs lost for me!! I have some pretty significant milestones coming up. This is how I work... I have an ultimate goal, but I make sure to look forward to the little stepping stones! So a stepping stone that has already happened this week was hitting 35lbs lost! The next step is losing 36lbs... that number signifies that I'll have lost 15% of myself... I can officially say that I am 85% of who I used to be. Cool eh? and that's only 0.5lbs away! :D After that comes 40lbs at 201lbs on the scale, and then the biggies... 200lbs and that day when I hit 199lbs is going to be epic!!! When I break 200lbs I will be bouncing off the walls!! :D it's going to be awesome!!! And then of course after that comes 196lbs where I will have lost 45lbs, and then 195lbs for my halfway mark and halfway photo (I took one at the beginning!)... and finally 191lbs and 190lbs for my 50lbs lost and my original goal on my nutrition program respectively...

As you can see, I have a lot of celebrating and mini milestones in the next few weeks... It's what keeps me happy!!

Now I know, I know... weight isn't everything you say! How do you feel, how do you look you ask?!? Well, I've lost over 27 inches from my body. I'm now a small size 14, size 12 might be here soon (and I have no money for new clothes! ahhh!! haha). My collar bones are super defined compared to what they were, my quads are shrinking, my arms are still jiggly, but i'm told they are the last to go. My boobs are getting smaller (not by much, thankfully! haha but it's all proportional). My face really shows it and my tummy is tightening! I have sooo much energy! I'm not blinking at getting up an extra hour before I have to just to make my meals for the day, my recipes are super, my trainer is awesome at kicking my ass and I love seeing her, I was on the elliptical for 45min the other day just booting it, I feel like I can actually jog without dieing and that it's something I will be working on and improving for the rest of my life... all in all I feel absolutely amazing! Go me, go!!! (I am mostly my own cheerleader too haha) :D

Now I know you are going to say it: "Where are the photos lady?!?!?!?" well... here's the kicker! I'm not going to post any until I go back home to surprise everyone there with how i look... if someone happens to capture me in a photo and tag it, I'll untag it quickly haha. I want me to be a surprise to my family, friends, coworkers, etc. It's going to be epic!! Plus then I can really get a great reaction from people who remember me at 241lbs whereas most of you at school have followed me through this journey and may not recognize right away how much has really gone :D


ok, that's all for now folks... keep living and loving and being amazing!!


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